Why Use Matrix for Data Backup?

Why Choose Matrix Computing to Protect Your Data?

  • We Guarantee it - we stand by our service 100% and have a financial guarantee backing our service
  • Experience - we're responsible for the data of hundreds of businesses, and we have experienced and recovered from every type of disaster imaginable - from fires and floods to theft and hardware failures
  • The Matrix Computing Remarkable Service Commitment (3R+2P) - you will find our team to be Responsive, Reliable, Resourceful, Proactive, and Personable - easy to work with – always

You rely on your computer systems to perform many of your business needs, from creating sales quotes to provisioning orders and storing vital data. Your internal processes are built around these systems and you store your customer and financial data on these systems. Can your business survive if this data and these systems are not available?

Matrix Computing's Total Data Protection solution protects your business against costly data loss by combining suite of cutting edge technology, expertise and proven processes.

While there are as many backup methods as there are companies, we can help you develop the best backup and recovery solutions for your business. We evaluate your company's business drivers and needs, and then determine a unique plan of action for your situation and ROI.